
Monday, June 22, 2020


1 Corinthians 11:21
I wonder if this verse is saying the Corinthians have church communion suppers at which people eat when they arrive without waiting to eat all together?  Therefore there are times when one is full (drunken) and others (who have not yet eaten) are hungry.  This shows a selfishness of one Christian not caring enough for another to eat together.   "I’ll do what I do for me and let the others catch up".  This type of thinking is only of yourself and what you can get or do for yourself.  But we should be discerning of the body of the Lord Jesus when eating together as a Christian group.  Everything should be done in a decent order as the Bible says.  God, through Paul, sets up many ways of prayer proper Christian action,
- - Manners
- - The Lord supper
- - Tongues
- - Who to fellowship with

In verse 33 he instructs to "tarry one for another". 

Some who are rich can well afford to wait, but do not.  Some who are poor, who really need the food and arrive at the supper late, may not get fed because all is gone.  Many others are not even thinking of the Lord at all.