
Friday, October 7, 2016


A journey of a thousand miles is traveled one inch at a time.  Sometimes we will not move an inch unless we schedule it in.  Sometimes the only reason we travel an inch is because, “it is time”, the schedule says, “do it now”.  At such times we possibly have no vision, no desire, no emotion:  only THE SCHEDULE.  Yet when that happens we can begin to achieve something, perhaps of great value.  In this way the mundane can build the glorious.

Most of the time scheduling is informal, done out of habit or as a need presents itself.  Practical scheduling acquires a bit more formality when we think, “what shall I do today, this week, this month.”  It becomes most formal when we take the time to carefully consider needs, times, other events, personalities and such, and proceed to write out a time line or schedule.  It becomes more formal  as we add more detail. 

As an example:
The need to get out of the rain requires a shelter and a schedule to find or build it.  It rains; we need protection so we either find a cave (if we're lucky) or build a lean-to from a tarp or  branches.  Even if we don't realize it we have to schedule time to erect the shelter.  The schedule may be as simple as:  “Do it now”.  “Do it before it rains”.  “Do it whenever and wherever we can”.

If we want more permanence we might require a cave or a log cabin.  Then we have to schedule time to locate a cave or to clear a site and gather trees.  We must re-arrange our schedule.  We have to set aside hunting for now and find or build the shelter.

For more convenience we might want to add rooms which means we have to schedule gathering yet more lumber, or stones, and setting aside time for the construction.  We would be helpful if we scheduled the drawing of a detailed construction plan.  We would have to rearrange other activities to either build the structure or oversee its construction.  As our use of time allows we schedule time for the acquisition of our amenities such as bringing the bathroom inside.

Most anything that takes repetition requires scheduling.  Important things like Bible reading certainly need scheduling.  Some days scheduling may be the only reason we read the Bible.  Important things, Bible reading, music practice, would never get done unless they are scheduled in, made to have important status.

In this way the mundane can build the glorious.