
Thursday, February 21, 2019


(Psalm 29) .  The voice of the lord is upon many waters.  I’ve wondered if the waters equal the general world population.  The voice of the lord is upon them.  He thunders, his voice is loud and booming. 

The voice of the lord breaks the cedars.  If trees represent the structure of a national government: trunk and branches.  The voice of the lord breaks them.  The force for keeping the tree (government) from being broken does not come from within the tree.  The power to keep all things entire comes from God. 

The voice of the lord divides the fire.  His communication is so clear that even ethereal changing subjects, like fire, can be expressed by him, and understood so that he can even separate, package, one tongue of fire from another. 

(V8) The voice of the lord shakes the wilderness.  No matter where anyone is, the voice of the lord shakes the remotest places. 

(V9) The voice of the lord makes cows to give birth. His power and control is directly over even things we do not think of, like the conception, birth and preservation of cows. 

The voice of the Lord gives glory, strength, worship; it is powerful, it has majesty; it breaks, skips, divides, shakes, births.  He has all power forever.  With all these things god gives strength to his people and controls his enemies.

Monday, February 18, 2019


"A false balance is abomination to the Lord".  This shows that items in this life of flesh offend the Lord.  Imagine he were walking in a market and saw a scale that was made to show false weights, weights heavier than actual.  You and I would not know the scales read false, but the Lord would know.  This very scale, and the one who uses it, is abomination to him.  I would not like to stand next to that scale in a lightning storm.  With every false ounce shown it thrusts the one using it further from God.  The lying scale here will make the sin of adultery over there easy to do.  The scale cheats money.  The adultery will end the marriage, destroy the family, and scatter the possessions the false scale was meant to acquire. 

The Lord finds the scale offensive.  It was rude and inconsiderate to have it before him (not to mention degrading and dangerous.) 

The wise the just scale is the Lord’s delight, it gives him pleasure.  He is pleased when he walks by and sees it.  It’s easy to please the Lord.  Don’t stand close to a bad scale.