
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

". . . HE WILL BE KING . . ."

Americans know not the concept of “king” or “aristocracy” except as defined in a dictionary. They don’t have the experiences connected with these words as some European Nations have. We did away with all that garbage at the Revolution.

Though they would not use those words, a few of the rich and some politicians like the concepts of “king” and “aristocracy”. If they actually publicly used those words we would be aware of their intentions and prevent them from implementing that kind of government. Some large Corporations like the concept of absolute control too. Therefore we also have to be vigilant against their establishing similar types of domination.

God is the only entity worthy - - and capable - - of being a perfect King. Some earthly kings have sought power at the expense of their subjects. In contrast, God has all power by his very nature, and exercises that power for the benefit of his subjects.