
Monday, July 13, 2020


One Corinthians 14
For all that people argue about speaking in tongues, this chapter minimizes tongues in favor of prophecy and understanding.  It does not prohibit them.  The greater need is for understanding. 

Although I have never spoken in tongues, I suppose they could be for blessing and giving of thanks as suggested in verses 16 and 17.  But any hearers of the speaking would not understand, there is no edification.  Perhaps even the speaker does not himself understand, as is said in verse 14.  For all that desire to speak in tongues we are supposed to desire more earnestly to edify the church.

Here is how clear speech comes (see verse 6):
- -  Revelation - what is revealed by God.
- -  Knowledge - what we know from reading the Bible and our experience
- -  Prophesying - expounding God's will as he has told it to do you.
- -  Doctrine - explaining our own understanding of God's will from Scriptures and life.