
Saturday, December 26, 2015


"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." This was a quote from an automatic email I get. It is supposed to refer to Christmas. Odd that it does not mention Christ. When I think of “conspiracy” I think of evil people colluding together to do bad things. Good people “cooperate”, Bad people “conspire”. In fact the dictionary says conspiracy is, “An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful or subversive act.”

It seems Christmas has changed from a religious holiday to a time of obligations for many and a time of financial opportunity for others.

Friday, December 25, 2015


“The lips of the righteous feed many, but fools die for want of wisdom.” (Proverbs 10:21) What he says goes out and “feeds” the ears of many. The words are feeding the ears of people who are listening. The words feed because they are helpful, hopeful, beneficial words the listeners can use in their lives. The ears gobble them up and send them to the brain, intellect, spirit, emotions to be digested and used in life.

But there are some, the fools, that will not hear. This is a choice; the words are spoken but they choose to reject, not to hear, them. Perhaps these words conflict with how they intend to live their life. Perhaps they will effect their money or status. Perhaps they would have to change their direction.

Sunday, December 20, 2015


Some people use the word “meek” when they really mean “weak”. They turn the first letter of the word upside down. I wish they would not do that. If they mean to refer to a person they consider “weak” they should say “weak”. Say what you mean!

A meek person is one who is not “froward”. A meek person shows patience and humility; he is gentle and considerate. He may be meek but that does not mean he is easily imposed on or submissive. One who is easily imposed on or submissive is called “weak”. Remember the old song lyric, “. . . gentile Jesus, meek and mild . . .” While Jesus might have been easy-going and kind to some, he was hardly a push-over!

If you mean to say a person is unassertive and retiring, say he is “weak”. Don't call him “meek”. Do not turn the first letter of the word upside down.

A “froward” person, by the way, is one who is stubbornly contrary and disobedient; he is obstinate.