
Thursday, July 18, 2019


Many people use the expression "Jesus is Lord".  They understand the use of that phrase as proof their Christianity or of another person’s Christianity if he uses that phrase.  It "proves" they are a Christian. 

Yet what is more important is that he really treats Jesus as Lord in his life.  Does that person actually control his actions and thinking according to what Jesus prescribes?  If he does not, all he is showing is he is merely capable of voicing the phrase.  The phrase is meaningful if he says the phrase because, in fact, Jesus tells him what to think, where to go, who to see, what to say, what to buy.

The phrase "Jesus is Lord" is not like a magic word such as "abracadabra".  The voicing of the phrase does not cause unseen events and conditions to be true and does not show they are true.  If one voices the phrase this does not necessarily demonstrate he is saved or that Jesus is really the lord of his life.

Monday, July 15, 2019


Proverbs 2
Man can seek God through experience: speaking in tongues, prophecies, healings.  Man can seek God’s thoughts through the scriptures: reading the Bible, Bible classes, seminaries.  Proverbs 2:5 says that after you seek wisdom, understanding, knowledge you will get to the fear of God and the knowledge of God.  Proverbs 2:6 says God gives wisdom; "out of his mouth comes knowledge and understanding" .  Maybe this is a combination of experiential man and the studying man:  the "heart" man and the "head" man.  We must seek with the head but be open to the heart.  We must be sensitive to the heart but be controlled by the head.  We cannot fill the head if we do not attend to the words of the mouth of God.  We cannot fill the heart if we refuse to experience what God will give us in our heads. 

Men are the thinkers, the rational ones, and woman are the feelers, the emotional ones.  Both can miss God.  Proverbs 2 shows that there are two types of sinners each characterized by a sex.  Verse12 tells us of the evil man, the one who thinks his way away from God.  Verse 16 tells us of the strange woman, the one who falls away from God through experience. 

God gives wisdom.  It's something we experience when we are in the right setting.  God proclaims knowledge and understanding.  We do not acquire understanding or knowledge unless we work for them.  We cannot know if we do not read or hear.  We cannot understand unless we think and meditate about what we know.