
Monday, July 2, 2018


The Other day, while indulging in some negative self-talk, the Spirit of God corrected me.  I had thought something like: “You idiot!”  Then immediately the thought came, “You are not an idiot.”  I am convinced this was from the Holy Spirit.  Thank you God.

Another time when I was working I saw a fit engineer dressing himself after his bike ride to work.  I thought, “My boys do not have a fit father who succeeded in a difficult discipline like engineering; I misused my educational opportunities in Secondary Science Education.”  Then the Spirit of God made me think:  “My boys like me because I am the only father they know.  They probably would never choose another man.”  Besides,  I chose education as a field of study because I wanted to do something noble that would have significance beyond my own life.  I wanted to have “real” impact, not just a comfort for my own being, my own self.  There is certainly nothing wrong with that motivation even though I never became an educator. 

Satan speaks is subtle ways.  Many of us are not aware it is happening.  It easy to overlook the “You idiot”.  The arguments in my mind, or in the circumstances of my life that cause me to put off something good are in reality very small and inconsequential.  Sometimes they are just not true, they are lies.  They are so “small”,  so “natural”, so “quiet”, so much in the background.  We even may not recognize they are not for our good, and certainly not good for the Kingdom of God.  We do not stop and think, “Where is this thought coming from?  Does it match who I am?  Does it match what I know God wants?  Is it good for my Family, my job, my nation?  Who is really at work here?”  Once we realize wicked spirits speak this way, and that it is easy for the flesh to accept them, we can be watchful, vigilant.  We can think more carefully, more critically and say “no”, “that’s not true”, or “I will do what benefits God, myself and my family!”

The battle for right thinking must be engaged the moment it starts.  If it is easy in the failing, it is also easy in the success.  The apparent power of sin is an illusion.  At the inception of the battle the fleshly influences are weak.  Do not let them gain strength.  Fight against them while they are weak.  They can not stand against Godly logic.  What choice is there between knowing the true way and not knowing it?  None; nothing is better than the true way.

Often I disparage myself but I bet I do not deserve the downgrade.  I don’t remember what the thought was but I do know I was not an idiot for whatever it was.  Under truthful light of examination I could not be called an idiot.  I have been foolish in the past, but Jesus has covered my sins with his blood.