
Tuesday, May 9, 2023


The first half of Proverbs 12:20 says "deceit is in the heart of them that imagine evil . . .". I wonder if this imagining is in their hearts because they themselves are deceived? In contrast are the ones who intend to deceive others. The first does not know the truth, he does not understand it, therefore he is deceived, as a result he has evil imaginations. The second knows what is true but intends to substitute something else as the truth. This person is practicing deceit. He intends to create evil imaginations. The first really has no hope, for the product of his deception are evil imaginations. The second foolishly chooses a path away from truth so that he might achieve deception. He wants to establish evil imaginations in others. Both make for themselves and others a hopeless state for evil imaginations are, by definition, not true and evil.

Who wants to live where there is no truth and where there is evil? Who wants deceit to reside in his heart?