
Tuesday, December 4, 2018


Psalm 119:105  "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."

What is a "Lamp", and what is a "Light"?  A lamp is a portable or localized light source for seeing your way as you travel, or when you are reading a book.  A light is the source of a lamp’s light, it is that which emanates from a flashlight or a table lamp.  We could reason that a commandment is a lamp while the Law is the foundation for any commandment.  A commandment is more focused and specific while the Law is all of God’s instructions for conduct, moral and otherwise, taken together.  Commandments are components of the law, as in the Ten Commandments.

A lamp, or flashlight, illuminates s specific area for us, so does a commandment.  One commandment shows “Thou shalt not kill”, , another shows “Thou shalt not seal”, another shows “Thou shalt have no other gods beside me”.  As we walk the path of life, we need to remember and follow the commandments as the need arises.

As a light in a room shows all that is in the room, so the law is all of God’s desire for how we should conduct ourselves.  In the Room of Life the light of Law shows us we must not kill and have no other god, etc. 

The commandments help us to choose the path we should follow, the Law shows general condition of our present position