
Saturday, June 15, 2024


On this day the weather showed mostly clear skies. Clear, sunny, or rainy, God controls all. Happy or sad, God controls all. Whatever various people think, whatever they think there is, or is no God; God controls all.

God could have made you so that he controlled every one of your thoughts, but he did not. He gave you the option to believe in him, or not. He wanted your mind to be a free agent, even able to select the option of, “there is no God”. Moreover he gave you the option to switch your opinion. You can go from “there is no God’ to “there is a God” -- at any time.

But he did not leave us at loose ends. He gave us a book telling us his preference: the Bible.

“…[F]or he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” [Heb 11:6]. He cares that you believe the right way but lets you choose wrong. If he wanted machines, he would have made machines. But he wanted persons, like you.