
Monday, November 30, 2020


Psalm 55
Verse 10 shows how the wicked man is vigilant to do his wickedness. Yet consider them, they are like us: they eat, sleep, marry, do business, seek to attain things. We Christians do those things. Most other religions seek to do the same things. The difference is that the wicked do them from motivations that God defines as wickedness. The things they do sum up to be offensive to God. Some things that are innocent enough when based on the true God of the universe (admiring what your neighbor has) become wickedness when not based on him (coveting what your neighbor has).

Some things that the unsaved do around us can become oppressive to Christians. We must make sure what we do is motivated by God and his principles.

Verse 17: The psalmist says he will "cry aloud" . He is saying he speaks his prayers aloud, with an audible speech, to God. He is speaking with urgency when things are urgent. Perhaps this is a good practice for everyone. Maybe when alone I should pray aloud - - not to mutter or speak softly but pray aloud so that a natural person could hear me. That would keep my prayer concentrated, coherent, focused. It shows that you think God is real - - respected enough to speak so that he can hear you.

Verse 18: "He delivered my soul in peace from the battle that was against me: for there were many with me." There was a battle and others were getting wounded and tried, yet God delivered his man in peace. Let’s not forget, there are many with us.