
Saturday, September 3, 2022


Is faith a matter of the mind only, or is there feeling mixed in with it? The charismatics look for the feeling - - the experience of the sermon. The Baptists look for the teaching - - the content of the sermon. When the Bible says we walk by faith not by sight does that mean we set aside the feeling and recall from our minds what God said and walk that way? What feeling could there possibly be that would supply reason or justification enough to go against God's word?

If sermons can be rated in dollar value, say from $0.10 to $3.00, what if a preacher preached a $2.00 sermon, is it not good enough? What does it mean when he preaches $1.80 sermon, and we have to add to it $0.20 from our own store so that it may be a somewhat balanced sermon? What if it is almost all emotion and no content? What if it is dry content with no sense of feeling? What about when this happens Sunday after Sunday? What about congregants who don't have anything to add to the sermon – either no feeling or no content? What do they do?