
Tuesday, June 7, 2016


(Prov 20) The anger of a king is as the roaring of a lion, he that aggravates him gets a snare to his soul.

This shows it is not good to make your superiors angry. I suppose some people purposefully do things to make their Superior angry, but it only gets them trouble and does no good. It may be the desire to make an authority angry or agitated is a flaw in the personality of him that wishes to to it.

Another snare is associating with angry and furious people.

The desire for situations of anger is a trap - - possibly a habit or deception that is very hard to break. A snare is something that traps you and keeps you. Snares are difficult to get out of. (Lord, please help me to avoid snares like anger.)

Knowing you are in a snare can help you get out; not knowing you are in a snare can leave you trapped forever.