
Saturday, December 5, 2015


[[This blog, and several following, have to do with memory loss events apparently due to "brain freezes". All took place before my one-and-only seizure. ]]
An email to Gordon Anderson: "Gorden, It turns out I could have made our coffee time tomorrow. My other appointment has been pushed off to another day (the 29th).

"I believe I have told you about my 'brain freezes', a peculiar feeling I have been getting for the last 4 to 6 months, about one set of episodes a month. I loose some memory when they happen.

"The following is how I described it on FaceBook: 'Ever loose almost a whole day? I went to church Sunday, sung in the choir, ate the picnic lunch . . . and I don't remember any of it. It's like it never happened! It's just not there in my memory. This sucks!

" 'But I'm not going to think of it as "gone". I'm going to think of it as there, but unattached. Somehow the path to that block of memory got broken. I'm going to believe that someday I will "find" the memories. I'm certainly not going to mope around, "Oh woe is me! woe is me!" I'm going to believe I'll get them back! Being negative and "down" will not help.

" 'Scary, and nothing to do about it. Later that day (Sunday) Lizzie tells me I had a hot dog while I was there. I remember eating a hot dog, but nothing else (yet). Where did it (the memory) go? What else is gone? How would I know what is gone? What can I do?

" 'I should struggle against it, yes, but to obsess would do more damage. The hot dog is my anchor for that day. I'm glad I have a more sure anchor within the veil . . . . '

" 'I don't remember anything about the Dream Builders Breakfast (you can see why). I don't believe I'll go. We can either keep the original time, 1100am, or make it a later time. You say when. (The original time was 1100am Thursdays, wasn't it? Do I have that right? -- I'm now gun shy about times.)' "

[[ Dec 5, 2015: Those memories still have not come back. I now believe they are forever gone.]]



[[This blog, and several following, have to do with memory loss events apparently due to "brain freezes". All took place before my one-and-only seizure. ]]
Another email from Lizzie to the Kids: "Dearest Children: Dad is having some serious memory loss tonight. It began (as far as I know) at 8:30 pm this evening. He has had another at 11:30; not remembering what we did all evening. He is very sad; was sad at the afternoon picnic and it has continued. Please pray for him. I am not sure how long it will go on, (as is usual). I love him and we will seek the Lord in this."

Friday, December 4, 2015


[[This blog, and several following, have to do with memory loss events apparently due to "brain freezes". All took place before my one-and-only seizure. ]]
Another email from Lizzie to the children: "Dear Children; A small group which we have joined from Ascension anointed Dad with oil and prayed fervently for him; we are quieted and encouraged. Five phone calls were on the answering machine from when we got home. We have landed. I feel that we have been searching for this group of believers and found our place in the Body of Christ. It's hard to describe, but I feel good, welcome, accepted. Even with Eric's episodes, they seem to take it in stride and treat us like a loving family. Praise be to God.

"Eric's MRI is scheduled for early tomorrow. Though I don't know when we will have results, we will surely tell you as soon as we know.

"Coldwater Creek has asked me to stay as a permanent part time. They know about Eric's situation. Funny timing in my estimation for this opening to come along; Eric was so happy for me he teared up. I'll try for this as long as he is safe and OK here at home (or better yet, is out and about on his usual independent way). We love you so much; we can't tell you how grateful we are for your calls, advice and our sense of your being nearby."


[[This blog, the one following, have to do with memory loss events apparently due to "brain freezes". All took place before my one-and-only seizure. ]]
This is what Lizzie wrote Bob Johnson: "Bob, Eric has had a serious memory loss episode. It began Sunday evening. Today, on Monday, when I returned from work it was severe. He has had episodes off and on for 3 or 4 years, but comes out of them after several hours and is back to normal. Doctors, after extensive testing, tell us there is no dementia or Alzheimer's. They are mystified. Eric would like to come as you requested, but he is concerned because the episode has never been this severe. He enjoys your music and leadership very much. Hopefully this hard time for him will pass."

Thursday, December 3, 2015


[[This blog, and several above this one, have to do with memory loss events apparently due to "brain freezes". All took place before my one-and-only seizure. ]]

This Is what Lizzy wrote to the kids toward the end of the memory loss episode:

"Dearest Children: Dad's memory loss is severe this time. I want you to know about him today so that you can advise me if you think of anything, and know of his welfare.

"The episodes began 8:30 pm Sunday, and they went on through the night. This morning we had coffee and devotions and he was aware and coherent. But when I got home from work at 4:15 today his memory loss was severe. Evidently he had slept on the couch the whole time I was gone from 10:40 am to 4:15 pm. He doesn't remember anything from yesterday: (it was a special day at church, etc., where we sang in the choir and a picnic after).

"So I need wisdom: not to be as a "mother" but to know what decisions (if I should make them) will be for his best. We have an appointment at his primary care doctor tomorrow AM.

"You all seem to have different and thoughtful advice when we ask. If you sense I should be doing or thinking in a way you think is good, please tell me."


I was thinking about titles. There are a lot of titles we can apply to ourselves:

- Husband
- Father
- Grandfather
- Son
- Brother
- Uncle
- Taxpayer
- Civil Servent
- Military Man
- Radioman
- Student
- Logistics Manager
- Government Representative
- Education Specialist
- Customer
- Assistant to the Author
- Website Manager or Webmaster
- Blogger


What need am I filling when I write VBA or transfer information from one file type to another file type? I Want:
-- to unlock the information.
-- to manipulate the information.
-- to make a tedious task easy
-- to discover something from the information that no one else has seen
-- or to get it before anyone else does.
-- to be a purveyor of information.
-- to be a source of correct information.

None of the above seems to be connected to the actual content of the information; I just want to get it, convert it, shape it, present it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015



What are my real needs?
-- Food, air, water, shelter
-- to be wanted.
-- to be respected.
-- to have a purpose. 

And the following, which are the most important, but so often left off the list and out of the thinking:
-- to please God.
-- to hear God.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Once years ago, as I was having a severe fit of depression and self pity, I tried to identify why some people made lots of money:
-- They have a skill others want and not many have: Electricians, AC men, IT men, etc.
-- They have knowledge or special education not many have: Doctors , Lawyers, etc.
-- They are entrepreneurs that employ and pay others. (they get their own salary plus the company profit.)
-- They are in commissioned work.
-- They invent something or write something and earn royalties.
-- They Manufacture a product.
-- Their parents were wealthy.
-- They are a part of a self serving club: Educators, Politicians, Anthropologists, etc.
-- They steal.
-- They have experience that others have a use for: Logistics Managers, Travel Guides, etc.

Monday, November 30, 2015


What would I do if I could do anything I want?

-- Build my Garage furniture, jigs
-- Build furniture, useful articles
-- Play "acoustic" jazz with really good musicians.
-- Do art: painting, ceramics, photography ...
-- Assemble things, like a training device.
-- Write VBA code that someone else besides me will find useful.
-- Write Python code to manipulate my stuff, interface with WORD and EXCEL documents
-- Use Office products in ways others are not (or can not) so the information they contain reaches the highest potential.
-- Travel to Paris, London, Italy, Germany. Maybe Spain, Sweden (where my Grandfather came from).