
Monday, April 4, 2022


It seems that Christianity will be a challenging work, at times without a lot of reward. Some people will turn away.  This will be because some people will not accept good doctrine, they would rather follow their own lust. At such a time it is good to read 2 Timothy 3 and 4 to see that this is expected and understand that the good Christian must continue as God instructs.

Those others will turn away their ears from the truth to fables. People will want to hear any other thing than the Word of God.  Their ears will "itch" for such things.  Among those may be two kinds that turn away: those that never were taught what God has to say, that grew up with parents or conditions that were away from God; and those that have heard and know what the Word of God says but choose to walk another way.

Why is this so? Perhaps it is because God's way does not always guarantee immediate gratification of certain things. Some things take work and persistence.

But does anything worthwhile come without effort?