
Wednesday, March 13, 2019


(Proverbs 3)
Things that lead to rest and peace:
(V1,2)  Remembering the law and keeping the commandments.
(V17)  Paths of wisdom.
(V24)  Keeping soundly wisdom and discretion.

Things that lead to length of days:
(V1, 2)  Remembering the law and keeping commandments.
(V16)  Finding and getting wisdom.

Length of days in the right hand, riches and honor in the left.  If the right hand is the power of something, the part that is immediately available; then the left hand may be the part that is deferred, the part that does not come immediately but later, the result of keeping the commandments, sound wisdom and discretion.

If this is so, a person that applies wisdom can expect to add days to his life while riches and honor may follow later.  Yet we seek first for riches and honor -  and hope that wisdom will result.  We have the process reversed.  What happens if it actually works out this way?  Will we be like the barn builder of Luke 12:16-21:  the one who tore down his barns to build bigger ones?  The one whose heart was not rich toward God.  He did not live to enjoy his wealth.

The one who treasures first the knowledge of God and his laws and directions, has the pleasure and reward of living in them now, whether he be poor or rich.  In fact, what is in his bank account really does not matter.  No bank account or houses or lands can provide eternal contentment.

Monday, March 11, 2019


(Proverbs 4)
(Vs 1-18, 18, 20-27)  Proverbs four is re-emphasizing the need to take hold on wisdom and understanding.  “How many times can I say this?”  “Let me say this again.”  It is so important to keep an open mind, a listening ear and an observant eye.  We must “take fast hold on instruction for she is thy life”.  If we are not learning, we are not growing, we are not living (V18).  “. . . the path of the just is as a shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day”.

Instruction is our life:  observing God’s sayings as he speaks through the Scriptures, through our spirits - through other men. 

I wonder if older people who are sharp are those that say, “now what am I going to learn from this?”  We must always be active in listening, reading, hearing, learning from God.