
Friday, February 11, 2022


I finished one of C. S. Lewis’ books last light: THE FOUR LOVES. I did not understand a lot of it. It looks as if he just writes out what he is thinking in his mind. The sentences tend to be long having many commas and parenthetic phrases. Some of the sentence phrases contradict other phrases within the same sentence. For example: “While I say this, and I am not saying that, we must realize the other thing is happening.”

Part of my problem is I sometimes skip over an important word. It may be a small word like “not” which reverses the meaning of the sentence.

I found I had to read slow, moving my lips, and saying “period” when I came to one. Even then I would not understand what I just had read.

The back cover of the book said Lewis was a brilliant, important man. It must have been intended only for other brilliant, important men.