
Monday, April 6, 2020


John 17:6
This appears a very "Presbyterian" section because it speaks of some people in the world who are the Father’s, and some who are not.  “. . . The men which thou gavest me out of the world:  thine they are . . .”  And yet it does not say for sure there are only certain prescribed ones who will believe.  The ones who are "the father's" may as well be the father's because they exercised their will to believe.  God predestined the possibility for men to make a choice for him.  The ones who did became the “predestined”. 

God is the god of all time.  He exists in the past, present and future.  For him time is just another created thing that is controlled by him.   How else can we explain the witness of the Angel in Revelation saying, “. . . there will be time no more . . .”

I can somewhat comprehend the pre knowledge of God in this manner: I am 75 years old.  I know that at 75 that I have been in the Navy, have married, have had children, and worked for the US government.  If I was like God, and time was something I created, I would exist also at the time I was born as well as the time period we call “Now”.  Time is like a dot moving along a line.  Creatures subject to time must stay on the dot, but God stands back a distance from the line and can see the dot, the beginning and the end of the line, and eternity before and after.  So if I were like God, I could stand back from the line, while the dot was at 75 years, and see clearly the spot on the line at zero years and know that I would be in the future: be in the Navy, get married, have children, and work for the US government.  If I were like God, I could proclaim all this to the zero year spot on the line.  It would sound to the 0-year-old created me like predestination.  It actually would be a recitation from an all-knowing source, who lives outside our boundaries of time, of the things I had done as a result of the choices I made.