
Monday, August 19, 2019


When I was working, I had these thoughts:

My job is a pleasant place because it gives me challenges, new things to do, and allows me freedom to invent or discover the solutions to those challenges.  But I often feel distressed when something new comes up.  I even delay action on these things for worrying over them.  Maybe that's why I spend so much time in the software. 

Perhaps it would be better to view these challenges as part of the pleasant place, as a game I have entered, something to play seriously, but not get upset about.  If I succeed (win) fine, if I lose, so what, I still have my eternal Salvation.  But how does this really play in?  What about the scripture, "Whatsoever thou find to do, do it with all thy might"?  Should I not consider it a game, should I care about it more deeply? 

God looks on how we play the game in the same way we listened to our young children at a piano recital.  We go and sit in the front row, smile at the performance and invariably clinch our teeth.  What is important is that the child played, did the best he could.  We lasted through sour notes and hoped for the pure ones later.  In the same way God waits while we perform the recital of life. 

The outcome of national or business affairs will have little or no effect on the Kingdom of God.  If I lose at work it is no big deal, but if I win it is no big deal either.  It is how I live in the Kingdom today that matters - how I play the game.  God will control the outcome of the game as he always has.  We just control which side it is we play on:  God’s side, or the world's side. 

One driven by the wind is motivated from the outside .  One driven by God is driven from the inside.