
Monday, June 18, 2012


I am today trying to figure out the various blogs I have made. I have lost control of the personal stuff. At one time I wanted to move all my stuff to the WordPress software, but now I can't make head-nor-tails of it. I must have lost some key file somewhere.

Well, I've spent too much time trying to find and fix WordPress. The only one I'll keep it on is Submission Is Not Silence ( I'll use blogspot from now on trusting that Google will not fail.

My ultimate goal is to provide my thoughts to my boys, as deep or as shallow as they may be. I never knew that my father thought. I would have liked to. So, I will do that here.

I know I put stuff up here before and the other blog, MotorcycleMoment. As I find the old blogs I may re-post them to keep them in one container. (That is, IF I can find them).

-- Love, PapaJ