
Thursday, August 26, 2010


This blog is primarily to post something.  I have chosen the blog I wrote titled "Motorcycle Moment".  I wrote this possibly for Lizzie's blog .  Her blog is located at

I'm also thinking about a blog to address "manly" things.  This blog could be  a post for that.  What do you think?


Every married man has what I call a "Motorcycle Moment". This is the instant he realizes he must let go of a daydream, a wispy hope that has been wandering through his mind for a time. It may actually be of a motorcycle. See him astride a few hundred horsepower, in the sunny breeze, basking in the admiration of those who see him (and hear him) pass by. See him at the stop light thundering his presence. See the black shirt, dingy jeans, tinny useless helmet.

The dream does not have to be about a motorcycle, it could have been about the boat, about climbing Mount Everest, about the hunting lodge. Whatever the dream, it comes against The Realization. He realizes that to acquire the dream he must trade for it by somehow separating himself from his family. To have the dream he must take to himself alone something financial, something physical, something emotional or something mental.

Then he realizes he has responsibilities, obligations, and duties. Will it be the motorcycle or the house payment, a night with the boys or a date with the wife, planning the trip or a bedtime story? He has to make some decisions. Is his money really all his money? Does every minute of his time belong to him? Are all his thoughts entirely private?

Submission, then, is not just something for the woman to worry about; it pervades the life of a man too. The quality of what a man is can be seen in his submission. What does he submit to? When balancing the idea of a motorcycle what is on the other side of the scale, and what has the heaviest weight? What does he give up, or submit to, to make a better life for his family?

What has been your motorcycle moment? Did it hurt? What did you gain instead of the motorcycle? Do you really have to give up the motorcycle?