
Monday, February 1, 2016


Years ago when we lived on Blackwood Avenue in Gotha, Florida, there has a tall dead tree in your front yard.  I was very worried about it and feared what would happen if it fell over.  I did not have the money to pay someone to take it down and it was too tall for me to do myself.  But God sent along a wind storm which snapped the tree midway up the trunk and laid the top part neatly in the open part of my yard.  Only a few twigs were taken off the Sweet Gum tree, and a few minor branches off the Laurel oaks toward Timothy's yard.  Everything I was afraid might be damaged was spared:  the trees, the power lines, the well, Fannin's fence, the road, our cars.  Everything was fine.  All I had to do was buy a chainsaw ($260.00), saw up the the remains, and cart it off to the burn pile in the back yard (this was before laws against open burning).

How many things of great convenience does God do for us that we do not even recognize?  How many that we know of do we fail to thank him for?