
Monday, March 27, 2023


When I was working for a contractor to the U.S. Navy I sometimes wondered if I was where I should be. I developed the following prayer:

"Lord thank you for my job and where you placed me in it. I have confidence that this, for the immediate present, is the place where you want me to be. I pray that I will learn well the lessons you have for me here while not neglecting all the tasks and responsibilities you have for me outside of work. Indeed, the sum total of my life will not look like the product I am now producing. It will look like wife, children, family, church, people, relationships, and the works of your Kingdom forwarded. I think a pastor said something like ‘pray for enthrallment on a boring job’ -- excitement in a positive sense.  God please help me to either like my job or move to another where it is your will that I work."

My character was somehow transferred to the character of that job, and all the other things outside the job.

I decided to not only do what I was asked, but to do more than I was asked, beyond the minimum, to do the best I knew how to do. I grew to like my work. Now, years after, I thank the Lord for that work.