When I was 50 years old I wrote:
I'm still not one for a strong personal devotional time. Yet, all these married years, and a little before – 25 (now 53) years in all – I have had the family devotions. The daily Bible reading. This small thing has been great in my life. As God said – it has been the mustard seed that, though a tiny seed, grew to a great tree with branches for the fowls of the air to nest in. One thing I have confidence about: I know what God thinks about a lot of things. Some would whisk me aside as being a “Christian Bigot”; I would say to them, “What principles are a guide for your life? Any? Some favorite author or politician? Some particular group you belong to?”
I know right from wrong, good from bad, profitable from unprofitable. Each time I read the Bible I get yet more from it. I have been a better man to the world because of it – even to those who would say it's “just another book”.