
Monday, January 21, 2019


I do some yoga-like poses for exercises in the morning.  I do them only for the exercise, not for the “spiritual” or meditation part.  I understand “proper” yoga requires you to meditate and possibly say a sound (I’m not sure what they call it)  like “OOOOOOM’ or something.  Some say I’m supposed to meditate on “nothing”.

I have no idea what they mean by "meditate".  I have no idea why saying any sound helps.  maybe it’s supposed to help you do the exercises by taking your mind off how hard they are.  Little skinny girls can hold the poses longer and better than I can.  If they can do it I just think to myself "Man-up and get through with the thing!" 

What does “meditate“ mean anyway?  Is this supposed to be some prescribed thought that I’m to be thinking?  Is it supposed to be some sort of pattern or way of thinking that I’m supposed to do?  I don’t like the idea of taking on and eastern religion; I don’t want to empty my mind and think of “nothing” or “become one” with the universe.  God made me unique; I am part of the universe among many other parts.

When I think of meditate, I rely on the English definition of the word:  “think about carefully and at length”.  To me it is thinking deeply and analyzing something to a deeper extent than I had previously thought about it; or in a way that is different from the way I had been thinking about it before.  Perhaps to think of a contrasting way to give me perspective.  Another word for it is “contemplation”.

What I need most to meditate about is the Bible.  What does God say?  Sometimes other man’s thoughts are helpful and should be considered, but the Bible is the preeminent source of wisdom and direction.  I am a Christian and I will think like a Christian and hopefully act like a Christian.