
Wednesday, October 31, 2018


When God came to earth as Jesus he walked the road of righteousness and fellowship with us.  The Nature of God is to have an open, giving hand; it is his heart to be in relationship with others; he is of action and came to live as an example for us and then to be a sinless sacrifice for our sins in our place and to take power and rise again for our forgiveness and benefit.

It is not God’s nature to be selfish; to keep in his own hands, to be unaffected in relationships with others; to refrain from action and to withhold his involvement.

(Prov 16:4) God made all things for himself - - even the wicked for the day of evil.  I do not think that God made the wicked just to destroy them.  I think they, the wicked, chose to walk in the wrong road, to make themselves evil.  So, God was constrained to make a day of evil for them.  A Day of Evil had already happened once before, as in the flood.

The wicked said to themselves, “We do not want to be this way.  What we want is to close our hands, not open them.  We want all relations to others to be for our benefit.  We want things for ourselves and for situations to go our own ways.  We want others to do what we want them to do, what is best for us.  We do not want to do these things that God wants us to do.”

(Prov 18:17)
"The highway of the upright is to depart from evil"
    The road stretches out ahead of us
    Distant images shimmering in the heart
    What are these distant images? 
        Heaven’s Gates
        A wholesome family
        Useful ministry
        A clean life
    We are driving away from evil
    This is the purpose for our being on this road
        To leave evil behind. 
        Our mind should be, “I am leaving evil behind.” 
Don’t turn off this road for
    “he that keepeth his way preserveth his soul.”

Keep to the road.